姓 名: |
张俊平 |
性 别: |
男 |
![]() |
学科类别: |
材料化学 |
单位代码: |
121B62 | |
学 历: |
博士 |
职 称: |
研究员/博导 | |
电 话: |
0931-4968251 |
传 真: |
0931-8277088 | |
职 务: |
环境材料与生态化学研究发展中心主任 | |||
电子邮件: |
通讯地址: |
中国甘肃省兰州市天水中路18号中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所,730000 | |||
个人简介: |
张俊平,山东招远人,理学博士,研究员,博导,民盟甘肃省委委员,政协甘肃省第十三届委员会委员。 2003年毕业于淮北煤炭师范学院化学系获理学学士学位;2008年毕业于中科院兰州化物所获理学博士学位;同年留所工作,任助理研究员;2009年8月至2012年7月,在瑞士苏黎世大学物理化学系进行博士后研究;2012年8月获中国科学院人才计划(A类)支持,在中科院兰州化物所工作。主持了中国科学院人才计划(A类)项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年基金、KGJ重大专项、兰州化物所“十四五”“一三五”重大突破、江苏省科技支撑、甘肃省创新群体、江苏省双创人才等项目20余项。在Science Adv、Nature Commun、Angew Chem Int Ed、Adv Energy Mater、Adv Funct Mater等刊物上发表研究论文200余篇,其中通讯作者或第一作者170余篇(SCI收录170余篇),被引13000余次,单篇研究论文最高被引700余次,H因子66,2021-2023年Elsevier中国高被引学者(材料科学与工程);著有《有机无机复合高吸水性树脂》、《凹凸棒石新型功能材料及应用》等专著;作为第一发明人申请中国发明专利50余件,授权30余件。曾获国家技术发明二等奖(2018年)、甘肃省自然科学一等奖(2018年)、非金属矿科学技术一等奖(2020年)、中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖(2008年)、中国科学院-必和必拓奖学金(2007年)和刘永玲奖学金优秀奖(2006年)等奖励。 | |||
个人主页: |
研究方向: |
基于有机硅和硅酸盐黏土的特殊润湿性涂层的应用基础研究、技术开发,包括超疏液涂层、锂电池隔膜、太阳能界面蒸发材料等。 | |||
代表性成果: |
代表性论文: 1. Li,L. X.;Wei, J. F.; Zhang, J. P.*Junping Zhang*.; Li, B. C.;Yang, Y. F.;Zhang, J. J.,Challenges and strategies for commercialization and widespread practical applications of superhydrophobic surfaces.ScienceAdv2023, 9, eadj1554. 2. Wei, J. F.;Zhang, J. J.; Cao, X. J.; Huo, J. H.; Huang, X. P.;Zhang, J. P.*, Durable superhydrophobic coatings for prevention of rain attenuation of 5G/weather radomes.NatureCommun2023, 14, 2862. 3. Wang, W.K.; Yang, Y.F.*; Yang, J.;Zhang, J. P.*,Neuron-Likesiliconenanofilaments@montmorillonitenanofillers of PEO-basedsolid-stateelectrolytes forlithiummetalbatteries withwideoperationtemperature.Angew Chem Int Ed2024, 63, e202400091. 4. Chen, K.;Li,L. X.; Li, B. C.;Yang, Y. F.;Zhu K, Y.;Zhang, J. P.*,Simultaneous fresh water collection and Li+selective adsorption enabled by a salt-resistant separated solar evaporator.Adv Funct Mater2024, 34, 2402221. 5. Wei, J. F.; Li, B. C.; Tian, N.; Zhang, J. J.; Liang, W. D.; Zhang, J. P.*, Scalable robust superamphiphobic coatings enabled by self-similar structure, protective micro-skeleton, and adhesive for practical anti-icing of high-voltage transmission tower.Adv FunctMater2022, 32, 2206014. 6. Yang, Y.F.;Zhang, J.P.* Highly stable lithium-sulfur batteries based onLaponite nanosheets-coatedCelgard separators. Adv Energy Mater2018,8,1801778.(封面) 7. Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A.Q.; Seeger, S.Nepenthespitcher inspired anti-wetting silicone nanofilaments coatings: preparation, unique anti-wetting and self-cleaning behaviors.Adv FunctMater2014, 24, 1074-1080. 8. Zhang, J.P.; Seeger, S.* Superoleophobic coatings with ultralow sliding angles based on silicone nanofilaments.Angew Chem Int Ed2011, 50, 6652-6656. 9. Zhang, J.P.; Seeger, S.* Polyester materials with superwetting silicone nanofilaments for oil/water separation and selective oil absorption.Adv Funct Mater2011, 21, 4699-4704.(插图) 10. Yu,Z.;Li,Q.;Liu,Y. L.*;Tian,S.;Chen,W. D.;Han,Y, Y.;Tang,Z, B.*;Zhang, J.P.*Malleable,ultrastrongantibacterialthermosetsenabled byguanidineureastructure.Adv Sci2024, 11, 2402891. 11. Zhang, J.R.; Li, B.C.; Zhou, Z.Q.; Zhang, J.*, Durable Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Self-Generated Wenzel Sites for Efficient Fog Collection.Small2024, 20, 2312112. 12. Yang, Y.F.;Wang, W. K.; Li, M. S.; Zhou S. Y.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A. Q.Plant leaf-inspired separators with hierarchical structure and exquisite fluidic channels for dendrite-free lithium metal batteries.Small2023, 19, 2301237.(插图) 13. Zhang, R.;Wei, J.; Tian, N.;Liang, W.; Zhang, J., Facile Preparation of Robust Superamphiphobic Coatings on Complex Substrates via Nonsolvent-Induced Phase Separation.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2022, 14, 49047-49058. 14. Yang, Y.; Mu, P.; Li, B.; Li, A.; Zhang, J., In Situ Separator Modification with an N-Rich Conjugated Microporous Polymer for the Effective Suppression of Polysulfide Shuttle and Li Dendrite Growth.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2022, 14, 49224-49232. 15. Li, L.; Li, Q.; Feng, Y.; Chen, K.; Zhang, J., Melamine/Silicone Hybrid Sponges with Controllable Microstructure and Wettability for Efficient Solar-Driven Interfacial Desalination.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2022, 14, 2360-2368. 16. Yang, Y.; Wang, W.; Meng, G.; Zhang, J., Function-directed design of battery separators based on microporous polyolefin membranes.J Mater Chem A2022, 10, 14137-14170. 17. Li, L.; Zhang, J.*, Highly salt-resistant and all-weather solar-driven interfacial evaporators with photothermal and electrothermal effects based on Janus graphene@silicone sponges.Nano Energy2021, 81, 105682. 18. Yang, Y.; Zhang, J.*,Layered nanocomposite separatorsenablingdendrite-free lithium metalanodes at ultrahigh current density and cycling capacity.Energy Storage Mater2021, 37,135-142. 19. Hu, T.; Chen, K.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.*, Carbon nanotubes@silicone solar evaporators with controllable salt-tolerance for efficient water evaporation in a closed system.J Mater Chem A2021, 9, 17502-17511. 20. Yang, Y.; Wang, W.; Li, L.; Li, B.; Zhang, J.*, Stable cycling of Li–S batteries by simultaneously suppressing Li-dendrite growth and polysulfide shuttling enabled by a bioinspired separator.J Mater Chem A2020, 8, 3692-3700. 21. Li, L.; Hu, T.; Li, A.; Zhang, J.*, Electrically conductive carbon aerogels with high salt-resistance for efficient solar-driven interfacial evaporation.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2020, 12, 32143-32153. 22. Hu, T.; Li, L. X.; Yang, Y. F.; Zhang, J. P.*, A yolk@shell superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic solar evaporator for efficient and stable desalination.J Mater Chem A2020, 8, 14736-14745. 23. Wang, H.; Gao, Z.; Wang, X.; Wei, R.; Zhang, J.*; Shi, F.*, Precise regulation of selectivity of supported nano-Pd catalysts using polysiloxane coatings with tunable surface wettability.ChemCommun2019,55, 8305-8308. 24. Dong, J.; Zhang, J.P.*Photochromic and super anti-wetting coatings based on natural nanoclays.J Mater ChemA2019,7, 3120-3127. 25. Dong, S.; Li, Y.; Tian, N.; Li, B.; Yang, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.P.* Scalable preparation of superamphiphobic coatings with ultralow sliding angles and high liquid impact resistance.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2018,10, 41878-41882. 26. Li,Y.B.;Li,B.C.;Zhao,X.;Tian,N.;ZhangJ.P.* Totally waterborne, nonfluorinated, mechanically robust, and self-healing superhydrophobic coatings for actual anti-icing. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2018, 10, 39391-39399. 27. Li, L.; Hu, T.; Sun, H.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A. Pressure-sensitive and conductive carbon aerogels from poplars catkins for selective oil absorption and oil/water separation.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2017, 9, 18001-18007. 28. Dong, J.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Xu, X.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A. Colorful superamphiphobic coatings with low sliding angles and high durability based on natural nanorods.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2017, 9, 1941-1952. 29. Li, L.; Li, B.; Sun, H.; Zhang, J.P.* Compressible and conductive carbon aerogels from waste paper with exceptional performance for oil/water separation.J Mater Chem A2017, 5, 14858-14864. 30. Li, B.; Zhang, J.P.* Durable and self-healing superamphiphobic coatings repellent even to hot liquids.Chem Commun2016, 52, 2744-2747. 31. Li, L.X.; Li, B.C.; Zhang, J.P.* Dopamine-mediated fabrication of ultralight graphene aerogels with low volume shrinkage.J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 512-518. 32. Zhang, Y.J.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A.Q. From Maya blue to biomimetic pigments:Durable biomimetic pigments with self-cleaning property.J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 901-907. 33. Li, B.C.; Zhang, J.P.*; Gao, Z.Q.; Wei, Q.Y. Semitransparent superoleophobic coatings with low sliding angles for hot liquids based on silica nanotubes.J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 953-960. 34. Zhang, J.P.*; Li, B.; Li, L.; Wang, A. Ultralight, compressible and multifunctional carbon aerogels based on natural tubular cellulose.J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 2069-2074. 35. Li, L.X.; Li, B.C.; Fan, L.; Mu, B.; Wang, A.Q.; Zhang, J.P.* Palygorskite@Fe3O4@polyperfluoroalkylsilane nanocomposites for superoleophobic coatings and magnetic liquid marbles.J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 5859-5868.(封面) 36. Li, L.; Li, B.; Dong, J.; Zhang, J.P.* Roles of silanes and silicones in forming superhydrophobic and superoleophobic materials.J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 13677-13725. 37. Zhang, Y.; Dong, J.; Sun, H.; Yu, B.; Zhu, Z.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A. Solvatochromic coatings with self-cleaning property from palygorskite@polysiloxane/crystal violet lactone.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2016, 8, 27346-27352. 38. Wu, L.; Li, L.; Li, B.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A. Magnetic, durable, and superhydrophobic polyurethane@Fe3O4@SiO2@fluoropolymer sponges for selective oil absorption and oil/water separation.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2015, 7, 4936-4946. 39. Zhang, J.P.*; Wu, L.; Zhang, Y.J.; Wang, A.Q. Mussel and fish scale-inspired underwater superoleophobic kapok membranes for continuous and simultaneous removal of insoluble oils and soluble dyes in water.J Mater Chem A2015, 3, 18475-18482. 40. Li, L.; Li, B.; Wu, L.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, J.P.* Magnetic, superhydrophobic and durable silicone sponges and their applications in removal of organic pollutants from water.Chem Commun2014, 50, 7831-7833. 41. Li, B.; Wu, L.; Li, L.; Seeger, S.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A. Superwetting double-layer polyester materials for effective removal of both insoluble oils and soluble dyes in water.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2014, 6, 11581-11588. 42. Zhao, X.; Li, L.X.; Li, B.C.; Zhang, J.P.*; Wang, A.Q. Durable superhydrophobic/superoleophilic PDMS sponges and their applications in selective oil absorption and in plugging oil leakages.J Mater Chem A2014, 2, 18281-18287. 43. Zhang, J.P.*; Li, B.; Wu, L.; Wang, A. Facile preparation of durable and robust superhydrophobic textiles by dip coating in nanocomposite solution of organosilanes.Chem Commun2013, 49, 11509-11511. 44. Zhang, J.P.*; Li, B.C. Universal dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes in the liquid phase inspired by Maya Blue.J Mater Chem A2013, 1, 10626-10630. | |||
联系方式: |
电话:0931-4968251 传真:0931-8277088 电子邮件:jpzhang@licp.cas.cn 地址:甘肃省兰州市天水中路18号 邮编:730000 欢迎对高分子材料、表界面功能材料、硅酸盐黏土复合材料和有机硅材料感兴趣的青年学生报考(联合培养)硕士研究生、博士研究生和博士后;热忱欢迎在相关领域取得博士学位的优秀青年人才加入! |