姓  名:


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     杨燕飞,男,1988年生,甘肃静宁人,理学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员。2012年毕业于辽宁科技学院获理学学士学位,2016年毕业于兰州理工大学获工学硕士学位,2019年在中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所获理学博士学位,同年留所工作至今。主要从事硅酸盐黏土矿物和有机硅的超亲电解液锂电池隔膜和固态电解质的应用基础研究。目前,以第一/通讯作者在Angew Chem Int EdAdv Energy MaterEnergy Storage MaterSmall、化工进展等期刊发表论文20余篇,其中封面文章3篇;授权中国发明专利9件。主持了国家自然科学基金、KGJ专项子课题、甘肃省自然科学基金、兰州市人才专项等项目。曾获甘肃省优秀学位论文(2016年)、第五届活力金城人才创新创业大赛一等奖(2022年)等奖励。






  1. 代表性论文

1Yanfei Yang,Junping Zhang*. Highly stable lithium-sulfur batteries based on Laponitenanosheet-coated Celgard separators. Adv Energy Mater, 2018, 8: 1801778. (Front cover)

2Wankai Wang, Yanfei Yang*, Jie Yang,Junping Zhang*. Neuron-like silicone nanofilaments@montmorillonite nanofillers of PEO-based solid-state electrolytes for lithium metal batteries with wide operation temperature. Angew Chem IntEd, 2024, 63(34): e202400091.

3Yanfei Yang, Wankai Wang, Meisheng Li, Shouyong Zhou*,Junping Zhang*, and Aiqin Wang. Plant leaf-inspired separators with hierarchical structure and exquisite fluidic channels for dendrite-free lithium metal batteries. Small2023, 19 (35): 2301237.

4Yanfei Yang,Junping Zhang*. Layered nanocomposite separators enabling dendrite-free lithium metal anodes at ultrahigh current density and cycling capacity. Energy Storage Mater, 2021, 37: 135-142.

5Guilin Meng,Guojun Dong,Yanfei Yang*,Yingpu Bi*, and Junping Zhang*. Fast redox conversion in lithium–sulfur batteries enabled by Cu-doped W18O49 with abundant oxygen defects. J Mater Chem A,2024, 12 (2):1026-1035.

6Yanfei Yang#, Guilin Meng#, Hongli Wang#, Wankai Wang, Junping Zhang*, Efficient polysulfides trapping and redox enabled by Co/N-carbon implanted Li+-montmorillonite for advanced lithium-sulfur batteries. Chem Eng J., 2023,451, 138914.

7Yanfei Yang, Peng Mu, Bucheng Li, An Li, and Junping Zhang*, In situ separator modification with an N-rich conjugated microporous polymer for the effective suppression of polysulfide shuttle and Li dendrite growth. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2022, 14, 49224-49232.

8Yanfei Yang, Wankai Wang, Guilin Meng and Junping Zhang*, Function-directed design of battery separators based on microporous polyolefin membranes. J Mater Chem A, 2022, 10, 14137. (Front cover

9Yanfei Yang; Wankai Wang; Lingxiao Li; Bucheng Li; Junping Zhang*; Stable cycling of Li–S batteries by simultaneously suppressing Li-dendrite growth and polysulfide shuttling enabled bya bioinspired separator. J Mater Chem A, 2020, 8: 3692-3700.

10Yanfei Yang; Wankai Wang; Junping Zhang*; A waterborne superLEphilic and thermostable separator based on natural clay nanorods for high-voltage lithium-ion batteries. Mater Today Energy 2020, 16: 100420.

2. 代表性专利

1)杨燕飞; 张俊平; 李步成; 李凌霄; 魏晋飞. 一种用于锂-硫电池的共轭微孔聚合物改性隔膜的制备方法. 中国发明专利 20220909, ZL202110651774.0.

2)杨燕飞; 张俊平; 王红利;; 张兴凯; 石峰. 一种氨掺杂黏土矿物负载钴杂化材料改性锂-硫电池隔膜的制备方法. 中国发明专利 20220712, ZL202110651748.8.

3)张俊平; 杨燕飞; 李步成; 李凌霄. 一种黏土矿物复合锂电池隔膜及其制备方法. 中国发明专利 20200630, ZL201710856895.2.

4)张俊平; 杨燕飞; 李凌霄; 李步成; 魏晋飞. 一种用于锂-硫电池的氧化钨/黏土矿物纳米材料改性隔膜的制备方法. 中国发明专利 20230110, ZL202110651753.9.

5)张俊平; 李凌霄; 杨燕飞; 李步成. 利用氟代烷基化合物改性铝粉以提高稳定性和燃烧性能的方法. 中国发明专利2021 09 14, ZL202010438068.3