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马鹏军,男,汉族,19866月出生,中共党员,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,甘肃省知识产权专家库专家,哈尔滨工程大学烟台研究院、西北民族大学硕士研究生校外导师(兼职)。2017年毕业于中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所获理学博士学位,同年入所参加工作,任助理研究员,于2022年晋升为副研究员。重点开展能源转化存储材料与器件的基础及应用研究工作,在Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Energy Storage Materials, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Carbon Neturalization等期刊上发表 SCI 论文 40 多篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文12篇,撰写英文论著 1 章节,获授权发明专利 10 件、实用新型 2 件,主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)项目、中国科学院西部青年学者人才项目(重点类)、中国科学院西部博士(B 类)人才项目、兰州市青年科技人才创新项目(重点类)、兰州市城关区科技计划人才创新创业类项目、兰化所青年科技工作者协同创新联盟合作基金项目、企业技术开发合作项目等;参与国家自然科学基金项目、中国科学院战略性科技先导专项(A 类)项目、中国科学院STS项目、研究所“十四五”重点培育项目、中国科学院西部之光人才培育项目、中央引导地方专项资金项目等。






1. 代表性论文

(18) Wenbo Wang, Ruifeng Xu, Xu Zhang , Peiyu Wang, Bao Yang, Bingjun Yang, Juan Yang, Kailimai Su, Pengjun Ma*, Yanan Deng, Xianfeng Fan, Wanjun Chen*, A surface engineering strategy for the stabilization of zinc metal anodes with montmorillonite layers toward long-life rechargeable aqueous zinc ion batteries, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2024, (accepted).

(17) Pengjun Ma*, Yan Wang, Xu Zhang, Junwei Lang, Juan Yang, Tongtong Yu, Liqiang Chai, Dr. Bingjun Yang*, Yanan Deng, Xianfeng Fan, Joonho Bae, A Novel Design for Conversion and Storage of Solar Thermal Energy into Electrical Energy Using a Solar Thermoelectric Device-coupled Supercapacitor, Carbon Neutralization, 2024, (DOI:10.1002/cnl/20116).

(16) Pengjun Ma, Yan Wang, Xu Zhang, Bingjun Yang, Junwei Lang, Juan Yang, Zhonghao Wang*, Abdukader Abdukayumb, Guangzhi Hu*, Photothermal conversion-enhanced thermoelectric generators combined with supercapacitors: An efficacious approach to integrated power generation and storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 492, 152406.

(15) Lezhuo Li, Ruifeng Xu , Xu Zhang, Wenbo Wang, Bingjun Yang, Juan Yang, Tianhong Zhou*, Pengjun Ma*, Inducing Oxygen Vacancies Using Plasma Etching to Enhance the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity of the CoMn2O4 Catalyst, Ceramics International, 2024, (accepted).

(14) 高同旭,马鹏军,范洪光*, 稀土在超级电容器中的应用研究 [J]. 稀土, 2022, 43 (06): 110-118.

(13) Jianze Feng, Yan Wang, Yongtai Xu, Hongyun Ma, Gaowei Wang, Pengjun Ma, Yu Tang*, Xingbin Yan*, Construction of Supercapacitor-Based Ionic Diodes with Adjustable Bias Directions by Using Poly(ionic liquid) Electrolytes, Advanced Materials, 2021, 202100887.

(12) Pengjun Ma, Yinglun Sun, Xu Zhang, Jiangtao Chen, Bingjun Yang, Qingnuan Zhang, Xianghu Gao, Xingbin Yan*, Spinel-type solar-thermal conversion coatings on supercapacitors: An effective strategy for capacitance recovery at low temperatures, Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 23, 159-167.

(11) Yinglun Sun, Pengjun Ma, Lingyang Liu, Jiangtao Chen, Xu Zhang, Junwei Lang, Xingbin Yan*, Solar-Thermal Driven Self-Heating of Micro-Supercapacitors at Low Temperatures, Solar. RRL, 2018, 2, 1800223.

(10) Qingnuan Zhang, Mikhael D. Levi, Qingyun Dou, Yulan Lu, Yinguang Chai, Shulai Lei, Hengxing Ji, Bao Liu, Xudong Bu, Pengjun Ma, Xingbin Yan*, The Charge Storage Mechanisms of 2D Cation-Intercalated Manganese Oxide in Different Electrolytes, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 1802707.

(9) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Aqueous solution-chemical derived spinel Cu1.5Mn1.5O4 thin film for solar absorber application, Materials Letters, 2016, 179, 170-174.

(8) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Solution combustion of spinel CuMn2O4 ceramic pigments for thickness sensitive spectrally selective (TSSS) paint coatings, Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 11966-11973.

(7) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Cu1.5Mn1.5O4-based ceramic spectrally selective coatings for efficient solar absorber applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 675, 423-432.

(6) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Tianhong Zhou, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Aqueous solution-chemical derived CuMn2O4 ceramic films for spectrally solar selective absorbers, Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 19047-19057.

(5) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Spectrally selective Cu1.5Mn1.5O4 spinel ceramic pigments for solar thermal applications, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 32947-32955.

(4) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Aqueous chemical solution deposition of spinel Cu1.5Mn1.5O4 single layer films for solar selective absorber, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 54820-54829.

(3) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Tianhong Zhou, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, Synthesis and characterization of CoCuMnOx spinel ceramic thin film for spectral selectivity absorption, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 87584-87592.

(2) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Xianghu Gao, Shengrong Yang, Gang Liu*, CuCr2O4 Spinel Ceramic Pigments Synthesized by Sol-Gel Self-Combustion Method for Solar Absorber Coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25, 2814-2823..

(1) 马鹏军,耿庆芬,刘刚*. 太阳能光谱选择性吸收涂层研究进展 [J]. 材料导报, 2015, 29 (01): 48-53+60.

2. 代表性专著

(1) Pengjun Ma, Qingfen Geng, Gang Liu*, Chapter title: Photo-thermal conversion applications of the transition metal (Cu, Mn, Co, Cr, and Fe) oxides with spinel structure[M]//Magnetic Spinels-Synthesis, Properties and Applications. Chapter 12, ISBN 978-953-51-2974-5, 2017, InTech.

3. 代表性专利

(11) 马鹏军; 张旭; 杨兵军; 郎俊伟; 胥瑞丰; 王文博; 杨娟; 陈璐; 汪妍;苏开力买; 一种聚光型太阳能温差发电器耦合电解槽的装置和利用太阳能的方法, 专利号: ZL202410436913.1

(10) 马鹏军; 张旭; 杨兵军; 郎俊伟; 杨娟; 陈璐; 胥瑞丰; 王文博; 汪妍; 苏开力买,一种太阳能驱动温差发电耦合电解水制氢装置, 专利号: ZL202410436915.0

(9) 马鹏军; 胥瑞丰; 张旭; 杨兵军; 王文博; 杨娟; 郎俊伟; 汪妍; 陈璐;苏开力买;一种改性尖晶石型金属氧化物及其制备方法和应用, 专利号: ZL202410810265.1

(8) 杨兵军; 梁廷廷; 张旭; 马鹏军; 杨娟; 杨生荣; 一种钙钛矿-纳米级羟基金属氧化物复合材料及其制备方法和应用, 专利号:ZL202310429965.1

(7) 马鹏军; 郎俊伟; 张旭; 杨宝; 汪妍; 段文慧; 吴伟; 鲁种伟; 一种直接利用太阳光热充电的超级电容器及其充电方法, 专利号: ZL202210093867.0

(6) 马鹏军; 郎俊伟; 张旭; 杨宝; 汪妍; 段文慧; 吴伟; 鲁种伟; 一种太阳光驱动自充电超级电容器及其充电方法, 专利号: ZL202210093878.9

(5) 阎兴斌; 孙英伦; 窦青云; 马亚兰; 赵攀; 马鹏军; 一种水系高电压窗口防冻电解液及其应用, 专利号: ZL202010053758.7

(4) 阎兴斌; 陈江涛; 杨兵军; 马鹏军; 郎俊伟; 一种气氛温度可调的扫描电化学-手套箱联用装置, 专利号: ZL202021098684.0

(3) 阎兴斌; 马鹏军; 张旭; 郎俊伟; 杨娟; 一种电能产储装置及制作方法, 2020-10-30, 专利号: ZL201910949035.2

(2) 阎兴斌; 马鹏军; 张旭; 陈江涛; 杨兵军; 一种利用太阳光实现手机电池自加热的外壳, 专利号: ZL201822026475.4

(1) 阎兴斌; 马鹏军; 张旭; 赵云; 杨娟; 郎俊伟; 一种保护电池组低温工作的新型太阳能吸收保温装置, 专利号: ZL201822026526.3